Perseverance by any other name … Tenacity perhaps?

If you’re getting bored with the same ol’ thing, you can head to Google to see how many folks have tried to discern the difference between perseverance and tenacity.

Some say that perseverance is the combination of persistence and tenacity. Others claim that perseverance is continuing in a course of action without regard to discouragement, opposition or failure … while tenacity is more like persistence. Go figure!

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Nonetheless … if you’re like me, you’re getting pretty tired of being reminded about how the devastation brought about by the coronavirus has decimated what we thought was our normal life. Yeah, I think we get that.

BUT … one thing I don’t mind being reminded about is that no matter how much I lament and resent these unprecedented challenges … it’s up to me to overcome them.

Like me, I’m sure you appreciate any help you can get … but fundamentally, it’s on YOU to make sure YOU access the help, stay strong and resolve to focus solely on what YOU can control.

The only way you or I can do that is to be tenacious in our pursuit of the solutions.

Dig deep. Find that TENACITY!

Carry on!

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