Who are you going to be?

In There’s Only One Reason You Keep Making the Same Mistakes. Repeatedly, I emphasized how much control we have over what we do. Bottom line? We do what we choose to do. Anything short of that is an excuse, and believe me, I know because I’ve got a big pile…

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A Decision-Making Framework

There’s no lack of decision-making frameworks … the Eisenhower Matrix … SWOT Analysis … the Pareto Analysis … and countless more sophisticated models.This is one hasn’t received a lot of attention and while it isn’t exactly a model, it is a simple but useful framework … particularly if you’re struggling…

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Let Freedom Ring!

In 1886, Keokuk, Iowa celebrated Independence Day with a parade and the usual festivities. Samuel Clemens (better known to most as Mark Twain) was present and was asked to say a few words during the celebration, which he did, mixed with the laughter of the citizenry who hung on his…

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What makes a Good Leader?

I could add further context to today's quotation, but I'd rather have you take the time you would otherwise spend reading ... to consider the powerful ramifications of this adage as you go about your day ... every day.It's Accountability at its most basic level.Embedding this simple mantra into your…

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