Not good. Teachers are leaving and few others are entering the field.
Schools have been banning books for more than a century. Recently, Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, a Pulitzer Prize winner, was banned from a Washington State school district … and there are many others, some of which deal with racial and LGBTQ issues. Will it ever stop?

You think you’ve got a lot to worry about? What if your biggest worry was whether you’re getting a front row seat at a Paris fashion show?
Would you spend $450,000 for a plot of land next door to Snoop Dog?
Oh, I’m sorry, you thought that was in Beverly Hills? Nope. It’s in the Metaverse, where according to MetaMetric Solutions, more than $85 million in Metaverse real estate was sold in January.
Did I hear that right?

Apparently there's stuff we don't want to know?
“Deliberate Ignorance” is apparently a thing. It’s not rare and for many, it’s a tool to regulate emotions by warding off negative ones.
I think of it when I come across a movie or TV scene and hear someone being asked if they’d like to know how many days they have left to live? Do you want to know so you can plan accordingly … or will it make you crazy as that fateful day approaches?
A couple more examples:
- 80% of people have been found to NOT want to know how a movie ends when they’re in the middle of it.
- A significant group of people don’t want to know the sex of their unborn child.
It’s a pretty long list and a very interesting article, What We Don’t Want to Know.
Read more articles from the Sword Tips Newsletter – February 17, 2022 – Edition