Is Warren Buffet crazy?

This is the title of a recent blog entry from James Surowiecki's blog on The New Yorker. He poses an interesting notion that banks will be doing better than ever with rates so low - Wells Fargo average interest cost in Q408 was 1.44% - and spreads so high. 

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Inauguration Day, 2009.

Today is a day to pause and reflect, if only momentarily, to witness the grand transition of power – peaceably and with dignity and respect – that is at the heart of the American experience. As even a casual student of history understands, the transition of power throughout the world…

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Through a tarp over TARP – it’s done!

I’ve been a little remiss lately, but I’m energized by the flood of information about the woeful TARP plan. The New York Times on Sunday sketched out the results they’ve uncovered, which are abysmal. Isn’t it amazing that in the infinite wisdom of our Washington leadership that they’ve ploughed $350 million into a program full of promise but bereft of results?
First, there is no obligation that the financial institutions receiving the TARP money have to publicly disclose what they’re doing with the money. (more…)

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